1990 to 2018:  PASS Holistic  Approach – Services shows the impact through

  • Holiday Home CAMP get the opportunity for 150 School dropouts to know the history, science, educational importance, people & society for their mainstreaming’

  • CRECHE cum NUTRITION Center Education, Nutrition, play & Recreation – enriches their cognitive & motor and holistic development of 500 above Children.

  •  PARTNERSHIP’S for SEXUAL HEALTH (PSH) Project: Outreach, Behaviour Change, Clinical Service / Health and Enabling Environment services around 60,000 street & working Children get empowered, enhanced their life skills, Trained in Vocational Skills and mainstreamed/rehabilitated.

  • BALASAHYOGA – Provided Health, ART, Food Safety: Psycho-social support education to 2500 HIV/AIDS infected & affected Children & Families.

  • RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TRAINING CENTRE: Mainstreamed 150 school dropout children under SSA – right to education Act activity.

  • NON FORMAL EDUCATION: Mainstreamed above 6500 school dropouts through NFE Project activity in rural area covered 100 Villages.

  • CHILDREN LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS [CLHA] :  Provided Psycho-social support, ART, Health, Nutrition, Educational – Faith & Facility-based services for their psycho-social-health wellbeing.

  • RENOVATION CENTRE FOR STREET CHILDREN – Provided Non- Formal Education, Recreation, Health and Vocational Training for their socio-educational rehabilitation.

  • SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR MENTALLY CHALLENGED – Providing Education, health, self-help/life skills, recreation maintenance & management of mild, moderate, and multiple disabled M.R.

PASS initiated all Child Development Projects & Programmes as per the need, organization & donor objective, Govt. policy and successfully completed, with expected output, outcome & impact of the program. With the existing infrastructure expertise, the PASS is planning to expand the services to reach the unreached.


  • RCH/MCH- Rural Health & Family Welfare Centre: Under NRHM-RCH implemented Six Bedded Sterilization Ward with OT and promoted Rural Health & Family Welfare Services by providing outreach, BCC, IEC, Counselling, Conducted Tubectomy and Vasectomy sterilizations, MTP and UID insertions, Condom promotion Referral& Follow-up services covering 7 Mandals in Chittoor District.  Reach all the family welfare services apart from other health need-based support & services to unreached.

  • Urban Health Care Services:  Established Two Urban Health Centre’s under NRHM in Tirupati Covering 45 Slums 60000 above Population and provided Community Mobilization – Forming Mahila Arogya Sanghams in all slums, Capacity Building to all stakeholders, Behavior Change Communication to Eligible Couple Community, Secondary and External Stakeholders, IEC material distribution and Service delivery through UHC i.e Treatment, Therapy, Counselling, distribution of Medicine, Sterilizations’ other public health services.  Achieved targeted results.
  • Mobile Medical Unit: Established Under NRHM implemented all RCH/MCH services apart from Rural Community Health Services covering 3 Mandals.  Really the MMU served not only the targeted population but also the Unreached doorstep services.  Community structures created for their increase the services access, affordability, and sustainability.

  • HIV/AIDS, TB, Substance Abuse Prevention: Initiated several interventions Adhoc, Institutional and Non-Institutional services i.e Conduct Awareness Camps, Behavior Change Communication, Outreach, Community Mobilization, IEC – design, development, distribution, Formed & Functioning Community Based Organization for sustainable the programmes/projects.  Supported /Advocacy, Network & Linkages with Govt., NGO’s, Private Civil Society Organisations for strengthening & sustain the Projects.

  • Medical & Health Camps: Reached thousands of Rural, Urban, Tribal Population (Women, Children, Aged, Disabled) by Medical Camps,  Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Dental, Family Welfare, Geriatric, Pediatric, RCH/MCH, TB, HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and Awareness Camps  Established service linkages with relevant service providers.  As per the Community Need, demand-driven, philanthropic support the Organisation continuously Organising the Camps planning to scale up the services.

  • Drug Abuse Counselling Center: Served thousands of Youth, slum & industrial workers, migrants other substance abusers, pharmaceutical, Narcotic Drug Users by providing Awareness, sensitization, behavior change, Counselling, Mentoring, IEC material supply, OPT, and referral services.  Adopted all preventive strategies to succeed in the program. Upgraded the services as 15 Bedded Drug De-Addiction Cum Rehabilitation Centre by providing all inmate detoxification services.